Wage Disputes
At Cloppert, Latanick, Sauter & Washburn, our Columbus, Ohio, attorneys are experienced in representing employees in wage disputes with their employers that involve both the underpayment and overpayment of wages.
Fair Labor Standards Act
The federal Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) requires that many employees be compensated for all time worked, earn a minimum hourly wage, and be paid an overtime rate for all hours over forty (40) worked in a week. We provide assistance to employees individually and as groups to recover wages unlawfully withheld from employees in violation of the FLSA.
Ohio Law
The Ohio Minimum Fair Wage Standards Law tracks the requirements of the FLSA in that it provides that many employees must be compensated for all time worked, earn a minimum hourly wage, and be paid overtime for all hours over forty (40) worked in a week. Ohio statutory law also requires that most employers pay wages on or before the first day of the month for all work performed during the first half of the preceding month, and on or before the fifteenth of each month for all work performed during the second half of the preceding month. Wages withheld for more than thirty (30) days may entitle employees to liquidated damages or interest.
If you are in a wage dispute with your employer and need an experienced Columbus, Ohio, attorney, contact Cloppert, Latanick, Sauter & Washburn today to schedule an initial consultation and case evaluation.